Summer raindrops and Sunbeams

Sonia Emeni
4 min readDec 24, 2022

Where do I start? How do I begin to navigate the storm and winds that rocked this year? Well, I’ll be brief as possible.

2022... it was like drinking a highly citrus concentrated drink. Just when I thought things were going smoothly (which I suspected) something always tipped my boat. I went from high, to low. Shocking.

At the beginning of the year I made a declaration and at the middle, I set a goal. I still hold on to these.
The year’s not over just yet 😉

Now, it’s easy to set goals but my problem, tragic flaw, chink in my armour, Achilles heel, whatever you choose to call it; is that I find it hard to finish a project before moving on to the next one.
Crazy yeah? but it happens and to a lot of people too ( I’ve done my survey). The thing is, that bit, I’ve not been able to overcome and don’t get me confused; I am working on it.

It has made me procrastinate, get things done the last minute and lose sight of what’s really important. It was a real struggle. I decided at some point to do the things that pop into my head, at once. Helps a lil.
Basically, what I’m talking about is discipline. I’ve found that that word "discipline", as little and almost dismissable as it is, it is VERY important and without it, our steps and plans can never be organized.
These icky parts of the year made me realize I still have work to do on myself.
Which I will still be doing come 2023 (cuz I know myself) so I’m not going to be doing that 'new year resolution' thing. Why? because people don’t change over night. Everything follows a process.

Towards the end of the year, someone said that if you’re going to pray, pray right. What did he mean? I’ll explain.
For example, you have a child that detests going to school and unfortunately, he gets poor grades and you go on your knees and ask the Almighty to help him get better grades and top his class when you should infact be praying that he enjoys going to school and automatically, the rest will fall in place. Do you get it?...I know you do. So I’ve learnt that sometimes instead of sitting in a place praying, hoping to get what you want, what you should be doing is working on yourself or skill; whichever the case may be.

There’s been a lot to learn from the year but along with all the nice things, there was this nerve tingling thing that did happen ☺️ and changed my thinking as well and that was finding this special someone.

We all have someone or something that inspires us or motivates us to do our best. We can choose who or what this someone or something might be.

Some people find comfort in social media or their peers and other times we’re just looking to get this hit of dopamine and instant rush to make us feel alive.
I found this person or rather, this person found me. I’ve been pushed from my comfort zone by this person and they don’t even know it. Thanks to them, I don’t just get that rush and burst of energy but this burning will to do even better than I’ve done so far.

And now, back to Abba -
Yess. His love and how He comes through when you least expect it. I’ve come to understand that He doesn’t operate or think like men and the time we use is certainly different from what He works with.

Middle of the year, I wrote an article on 'Faith' what it means and how we struggle with it as Christians. I faced all that too and because it was a piece I wrote from my experiences it gave it even more colour. And the response I got inspired me to write more of that sort.
I never thought my writing was good or even amounted to anything. Even after I had people praise my work I still didn’t believe till outsiders and foreigners decided they wanted to know the writer. I started to see some beauty in what I did. I mean these people weren’t close to me, so they must be telling the truth and not just to make me feel better. With more writing I had faith in what I did.
No matter how much people believe in you, if you don’t have that same faith and more in yourself, then you can’t go very far.
I’ve learnt things from this year, from my loved ones and random and deliberate teachings;
✓ Put God first
✓ Trust the process
✓ Believe in yourself because no one else will do it for you
✓ See your beauty. So others can see it.
✓ Try till you get it.
✓ Don’t strain yourself. Smile.

They’ve been others but I’ll stop here. I believe I’ve spilled some in the previous texts.
At the beginning of the year I felt it was a time to hit my first tens of thousands of naira or even dollar bills☺️ but now I understand this year was a time to build myself. Mostly from the inside.

I haven't given up on those figures though 🌚🌝 but now I know a better way to achieve what I want.

Ooh and if you’ve gotten here, then I celebrate you😘

Just before we end, I’m interested in knowing what your tears and wins in this year were. You can leave feedbacks for me and you can be sure I’ll get right back to you😉🍓

Remember, the year isn’t over so don’t give up on whatever you want or drop the pen on that captivating chapter. Push for it. I’m cheering for you🥂



Sonia Emeni

Hi! I'm Sonia👋I'm super psyched you made it here! I share my insights on relationships, Wellness, and the beauty in serving Abba✨❤️