The Inner Battle and How it Taunts Our Faith

Sonia Emeni
5 min readJul 10, 2022


As Christians, we face inner battles. These can be battles between our flesh and the Christian spirit. Battles can take the form of financial struggles, relationship insecurities, fear, inner battles, family problems, and the most recent one I faced, career pressure.

When we face battles like these, we tend to question God and our faith. Questions like, “Are our questions a sign that we lack faith?”

Doubting God’s existence is a real struggle and it seems to throw our lives off balance. Suddenly you start to question everything you have been taught and believe in.

Recently, I experienced inner battles that made me question if God did exist and if He did, why was He letting me suffer? I had no answers to these questions and I was afraid of voicing them. The church has a way of by-passing questions on doubt and this leaves us feeling void. And you may start to feel you’re the only one that has to navigate this crisis on your own but a lot of us Christians, have this same problem and if you do, you would want to read the rest of this article because they contain things I wish someone had told me when I was struggling with my belief.

How Inner Struggles Affect The Christian Faith.

Now, when we face problems in real time, that is, in our everyday life -problems like financial instability, family issues and pressure, relationship issues and all the rest- when God doesn’t intercede at that moment we start to question His existence and slowly that plunges you into frustration and doubt.

Many people grow up with the mindset that at one time when they are good and keep to His words then He loves them and once they sin, the ever loving God becomes a divine judge hence they bounce between the concept of “he loves me, he loves me not". It is at times like these that we waver.

Doubt will most likely come into the minds of every Christian at some point of their journey. Instead of letting it eat you up, it is a time to dig deeper into your relationship with God.

In 1 Peter 1:6 –7, “In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, you may have to suffer various trials, so that the genuineness of your faith, more precious than gold which though perishable is tested by fire, may redound to praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ” Dear reader, I may not know what you are going through, but it is important to know that the struggles of our life, is a test of our faith…it is for a short while and after you have proven victorious, these trials stand as genuineness of your faith.

When I faced doubt, it was easier to assume there was no God or the God I served didn’t exist. I can tell you a lot of questions bubbled to the surface. Perhaps they were questions I longed to ask but felt ashamed but when they surfaced, I had to do something. It wasn’t easy. Then I came across that verse in the bible and I saw that even God knows I would go through this and I took delight and told myself I HAD to win! And I did. You can too.

How To Restore Your Inner Peace

Going through these struggles is never easy. You can’t voice them out because of fear of being criticized. It can mess with your mental health and that’s why I am going to show you three things you can do to relax and think straight.

  • Disconnect: It’s time to spend some alone time. For people that are socially active, this can be an overbearing task but I can assure you it’s needed. Get that rest. This is going to give you a new perspective and time off to just breathe.
  • Don’t blame yourself: In 1 Corinthians 5:21, the bible tells us that for our sake, the Lord made Himself to be sin so that we may become the righteousness of God. Laying blame on yourself or punishing yourself for your own sin is making what the price God paid, useless. God loves His children and not the kind of wavering love we express with one another but true love and the sooner we realize this the easier things become. So you should bask in His love and not play the ‘blame game’.
  • Take Breaks: What I mean is, do things outside what troubles you. Most times we say the battle is the Lord’s but we stress like it’s ours. Don’t!

Leave the problems behind and focus on YOU. Go on a picnic, go on walks, listen to music and have a few dances, chat with friends about the silliest things…just unwind. It’s exactly what you’d need.


It’s important that while you’re going through all these things, you think about yourself, you’re not the first to experience internal conflict and certainly not the last. But when you feel like that, remember that God’s love for us fills us with hope and strength for what lies ahead. It’s assuring and He can’t and won’t abandon you. You’re too special♥️

I hope this helps🥰 remember to go easy on yourself…

Thanks for stopping by 💋



Sonia Emeni

Hi! I'm Sonia👋I'm super psyched you made it here! I share my insights on relationships, Wellness, and the beauty in serving Abba✨❤️